Week Thirty-Seven: Guardian Angel by Sister Mary Corita Kent

September 15, 2019

Week Thirty-Seven: Guardian Angel by Sister Mary Corita Kent

This week's featured image of the heavenly hosts from the on-line Sacred Art Pilgrim Collection represents a much-loved "subgenre" of the theme: guardian angel art. In this 1955 serigraph from Sister Mary Corita Kent, the American artist-nun best known for her pop-art inspired text prints, we see a heavenly helper reaching down to snatch an endangered soul from the maw of a monster, rendered in the abstract figurative style typical of Kent's early work, when she was influenced by medieval art. Her depiction is a far cry from the saccharine images of beautifully blond winged beings with cherubic little children that have come to represent guardian angels in the popular imagination! (John Kohan)