Picture in Focus: The Rest on the Flight into Egypt by Milan Entler

February 4, 2023

Picture in Focus: The Rest on the Flight into Egypt by Milan Entler

The terse narrative of the Flight into Egypt in the second chapter of the Gospel of Matthew was embellished down the centuries with apocryphal stories of what happened to the Holy Family on their way to the land of the Nile. Pagan idols were said to fall to the ground as they passed, and a date palm bowed down to give them its fruit. The extra biblical tales gave rise to images of The Rest on the Flight into Egypt in sacred art, where Joseph, Mary and the Baby Jesus pause in their journey for a moment of family fellowship. Czech Graphic Artist Milan Entler offers a charming glimpse of the weary travelers at a roadside picnic in this week's featured color lithograph, recently added to the East European Ex Libris section. The faithful family donkey shows a special interest in Joseph's basket of apples, which have replaced the dates of legend in the artist's rendering of a European landscape. (John Kohan)