Western Christians celebrate All Saints' Day on November 1st, honoring those holy men and women whose lives of devotion to God and service to humanity have earned them the special regard of the Church. Looking for images of the saints has not been a goal of mine in collecting contemporary sacred art with the exception, perhaps, of a few beloved and oft-depicted heroes of the faith like Saint Francis of Assisi, Saint George the Dragon Slayer, and Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker. As my featured artwork this week from New Mexican Saintmaker Marie Romero Cash whimsically illustrates, there are more than enough of them for their imagery to fill museums! An Alphabet of Saints begins on the lower left with Saint Andrew for "A" and ends with Saint Zita for"Z" on the top row between the Archangels Michael and Gabriel. Cash has even found someone for "X," Saint Xantippa, a virgin martyr of Spain! There are a few images of less well known saints that I acquired for the Collection as representative works from artists in my listings. I will be featuring four with their life stories and types of patronage in the weeks leading up to the Season of Advent. (John Kohan)