Picture in Focus: The Stations of the Cross by Carl Dixon

February 4, 2024

Picture in Focus: The Stations of the Cross by Carl Dixon

Carl Dixon has taken on over forty commissions in the fifteen years he has worked with the Sacred Art Pilgrim Collection.  My final new offering from the Mississipi-based self taught artist, on the eve of the season of Lent, posed a particular challenge for him. It is a single mixed media, carved wood panel painting bringing together all fourteen Stations of the Cross from the traditional Good Friday devotional service with a final image of the Resurrection. The conventions of this genre of sacred art require the artist to present separate images of the events on Christ's journey along the Way of Sorrow to Golgotha with repeated visual motifs to connect the scenes, as we see in the positioning of the Cross and Christ's striking red and blue garments in eight of the panels. The Passion of Christ narrative follows a zig-zag line from Christ's condemnation by PIlate at the upper left to his rising from the tomb at the lower right. (John Kohan)