Picture in Focus: Three Heads by Abraham Rattner

July 31, 2016

Picture in Focus: Three Heads by Abraham Rattner

Printmaker Abraham Rattner was born in the US and had no firsthand experience of the culture of East European Judaism like his contemporary, Ben-Zion, but he also turned to biblical themes in coming to terms with the tragic fate of the Jews in World War II. Beginning in the early 1940s, Rattner followed the path of another great modern Jewish artist, Marc Chagall, in incorporating imagery of Jesus as the Suffering Jew in his work to evoke the barbarism of the Nazi-era Holocaust. The expressionistic lithograph by Rattner on display this week is variously titled The Prophets or Three Heads, but the central face with downcast eyes framed by two heads in profile recalls traditional depictions of the Mocking of Christ. The new Rattner print can be found in the gallery of his profile page in the Sacred Artists section. (John Kohan)