Picture in Focus: The Good Samaritan by Edward Knippers

September 4, 2016

Picture in Focus: The Good Samaritan by Edward Knippers

Virginia-based Artist Edward Knippers is best known for his oil on panel paintings of biblical figures in the nude, demonstrating his belief that since God took on flesh in the person of Jesus Christ, sacred art should glorify and celebrate the human body. Knippers is also an accomplished graphic artist and created this week's featured American print from the Sacred Art Pilgrim Collection, a woodcut depicting Christ's parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10:25-37. A nude form is front and center in this piece in the broken body of the traveler attacked by thieves and left for dead on the Jericho Road. As the (robed) Levite walks past in the upper right, the stripped down Samaritan rushes to help the abandoned man. In contrast to the rounded, fleshy forms in Knipper's paintings, agitated lines define the figures in this semi-abstract wood block print, showing the influence of Knipper's onetime teacher, British Abstract Expressionist Stanley William Hayter. This new graphic study of the Good Samaritan joins a lithograph (in a very different style) of the Passion of Christ in the image gallery of the Edward Knippers profile page in the Sacred Artists section. (John Kohan)