Picture in Focus: Icon of the Transfiguration by Charalambos Epaminonda

August 6, 2017

Picture in Focus: Icon of the Transfiguration by Charalambos Epaminonda

During the next few weeks, I will be showcasing new icons, iconographers, and schools of icon-making represented in the Sacred Art Pilgrim Collection. Once viewed as the exclusive sacred art form of Eastern Orthodox Christians, icons have now crossed over into other Christian faith communities.  New iconographers with recognizable styles are revitalizing traditional copy-book painting techniques. The Feast of the Transfiguration is celebrated in much of the Orthodox world on August 6, and my first new art offering in the icon series depicts this moment in sacred history when Christ's divinity is gloriously revealed to his disciples. Cypriot Iconographer Charalambos Epaminonda gives us a dynamic variation on the theme in a new acrylic on wood piece now on display in his profile page in the Sacred Artists Section. Light radiates from the Transfigured Christ in long fine lines extending across the entire picture plane. These heavenly beams even illumine creatures in a landscape at the bottom of the panel, symbolizing Christ's role in redeeming not just humanity but all of God's creation. (John Kohan)