Pictures in Focus: The Life of a Prophet by Ben-Zion

September 20, 2020

Pictures in Focus: The Life of a Prophet by Ben-Zion

During the next few weeks we will be looking at artistic studies of biblical prophets in the Sacred Art Pilgrim Collection. The fate of those who spoke truth to power in the Hebrew Scriptures is a theme that features prominently in the work of Ben-Zion, an East European-born Jewish American artist who evolved an expressionistic style of art, peopled with images of the patriarchs, prophets and kings he had come to know from his well remembered reading of sacred texts in the ghetto yeshiva of his childhood.This week's featured prints come from the 1965 portfolio of 15 etchings by Ben-Zion on The Life of a Prophet, printed in the Chicago studio of Letterio Calapai, showing three episodes in the career of one such teller-of-truths: his conflict with his culture, his banishment from society, and his time of despair in the wilderness. The trio of prophetic prints joins other images of biblical prophets like Jonah, Amos, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel in the gallery of the Ben-Zion profile page in the Sacred Artists section. (John Kohan)