Kreg Yingst joins my listings this week as a printmaker of parables. The Florida-based graphic artist has a special interest in imagery that tells a story, taking inspiration from the 20th century creators of wordless woodcut novels like Belgian Artist Frans Masereel. The Gospel narratives of Jesus have been a rich source of material for Yingst, who worked on a series of hand-colored woodcuts of the parables, six of which are now in the Collection. Yingst shares the view of last week's featured artist, James Janknegt, that the illustrative stories of Jesus need to be retold in visual ways that speak to modern viewers, recasting the parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man as a encounter between a physically-challenged beggar and a limo-rider tossing cigarette butts into the street. Text also plays an role in Yingst's brand of message art, as we see in the selection of woodcuts and linocuts on sacred themes in the gallery of his new biosketch page in the Sacred Artists section. (John Kohan)