My series on Czech artists in the Sacred Art Pilgrim Collection comes to an end this week with a tribute to the Prague-based artist, David Nebesky, who, I recently learned, died after a brief illness in the fall of 2022. Working under the pseudonym of David Wojkowicz, he produced new media prints on biblical themes like these digital images (left) from his biosketch page. Nebesky/Wojkowicz was originally a student of theology with no formal art training. His love of fine art photography led him to develop a graphic vector software program to make handcrafted new media prints using basic geometric forms and color palettes. He paired these non-representational compositions with scripture passages, publishing his prints with Bible verses to guide viewers in interpreting their meanings. David's passing, at 55, leaves the sacred art world all the poorer for the loss of his unique way of expounding biblical texts with contemplative abstract images. (John Kohan)