Picture in Focus: The Protection of the Mother of God by Kateryna Shadrina

May 12, 2024

Picture in Focus: The Protection of the Mother of God by Kateryna Shadrina

May is the month traditionally devoted to the Virgin Mary, and I'll be showcasing Marian-themed pieces in the coming weeks by international artists in the Sacred Art Pilgrim Collection. As we remember our mothers this Sunday, I have a particularly caring and maternal image of the Mother of Christ to present known as the Madonna of Mercy, where the Virgin extends her cloak to offer humanity a place of shelter. The oldest known version is a late 13th century painting from the Sienese Master, Duccio, where we see Mary covering a group of Franciscans with the hem of her robe. The motif has special meaning for Ukrainians, who honor their war veterans on October 1, the patronal feast of the Protection of the Mother of God. This week's variation on the much-beloved theme is a panel painting made in time of war by Kateryna Shadrina from the New School of Iconography in the West Ukrainian city of Lviv. In tones of fiery red, yellow, and orange, the Virgin Mary provides a safe space under her out-stretched mantel to a grieving couple, a disabled man on crutches, and a youth, tending a wounded dove. Remember, once again, to Pray for the peace of Ukraine! (John Kohan)